Feast your eyes bloggers. I won this in
B's giveaway last week. The purse. It arrived today and I want to
leave no doubt how much I love this iddy biddy pink purse. It is more useful than a husband and prettier too.
Here you see it carrying my brushes. No, that would be the last photo. Quick, scroll down to the end then back up.
But there's more.
It keeps your beer cool!
Great for Cheerios and...
(that's not right#*X?)
washes up soooo easy.
JunkerJane's monsters.
Perfect for clean-up in the shower.
Drat! I can't get the pictures to jibe with my words. Just use your imagination.
Well, that one went in wrong. Look backwards. Yeah, that's it.
Yard work. Gotcha covered.
But where it really comes in handy is a night on the town. Pink a dink a doo!
(See top photo with dark bar-like lighting.)
Good Grief! This display is not remotely like I planned.
Anyway, I want B to know how much I like my prize. Thanks B.
You'll find B
right here at Simply B!Visit her today. She is in shock after her giveaway.
Dirty rotten bloggers tried for the pink purse and then left B all alone.
...Cheerios and milk on your left
If you're wondering, those are wax lips in the top photo. Maybe I'll do my own giveaway. Wax lips anyone? Have the best day ever.