"Keep an eye on that", I said to myself.
The phone call came the day before Halloween...
"COME AND GET ME!", she said.
So we did.
It happens to folks our age. Our parents, once strong and capable, are unable to go it alone.
I called for reinforcement to help move all of our belongings upstairs to Andrew's old room.
Then we prepared our downstairs bedroom and the downstairs in general. Joe's mom has severe Scoliosis and requires a walker to get around.
Back in May we visited Senior living communities at her request. I'm so glad we did, which put us ahead of the game.
She lived with us for the past 7 weeks. We pulled out all the stops and literally put our lives on hold to get her transitioned.
On Monday we officially moved her into a beautiful Senior community, furnishing her new one bedroom apartment from head to toe.
Mission Accomplished!
Christmas is just around the corner. Have a merry one dear bloggers!
Love and all good things,