Another painting in steps! This time, a
cotton sign. Grab yourself an 18"x24" gallery wrapped canvas. Paint it with a good coat of raw umber. Then, a coat of white. Let it dry well and then sand and scratch and generally abuse the canvas. Draw on your design and you're ready to paint.

Letters and a red stripe. I did one a while back for a Georgia lady. This one's for TEXAS!

Some shading and highlights...

Paint on that cotton field, a star and a
big cotton plant! More distressing, add some white here and there...

Add burnt umber around edges for that good, old, dirty, rusty look...
AND YOU'RE DONE!This painting is off to Texas to a
cotton farming family. YOu gotta
LOVE it!!!
This pic is fairly clear. Zoom in for a closer look if you need details.
Later gators,
: ) Ronnie