Hallelujah!!!! I've done it. The kitchen is ready for action...sprinkled with my favorite color RED....a bit of original art....and things collected over the years.
Yeah, I know, I have just revealed that I have a rubber band looped to the button of my favorite gardening pants (purely for comfort, mind you) but this picture said it best. I'm very happy.
I'll begin with a before shot of my old fridge.....
Lord, Have Mercy!
And now the after fridge....
Yes, that's the only magnet on it! I can hardly believe my own restraint. Now, all I need is some of that stainless steel cleaner. This magnet is by the great Sandy Mastroni, by the way.
Next up the big white hutch before....
And the hutch now wearing the new gray paint....
This is where I ran into trouble during the stuffectomy. Things just refused to go so I'm calling this my
Stuff Shrine to the Past. I know, it's a cop out.
I gave two grocery bags of this kind of stuff to my little sister a few weeks ago. She loved it, so I was happy, but there is still more. We lived in Michigan for four years when Joe was in the Coast Guard and we had the best time antiquing in the country nearly every free weekend. That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it.
Okay! Ready to see the RED?
RED atop a little jelly cabinet my dad made. I did the painting. Arty Hazelquist did the Santa.
A great retro bowl little sis gave me. My wax lips that I'm saving for a special occasion.
My most favorite thing isn't red, it's the King Kong on the Empire State Building. My big sis says it should go. I think she's wrong.
Part of my apron collection. I was very judicious. This is a great thing to collect. You can find them for $3 to $5 dollars at yard sales and on Etsy. They remind me of my grandmother. This is good for my soul.
Here's another before shot. Paintings I did in another life time.....and two sweet boys...
Now for the pared down NEW streamlined look....
That's one of my Minor Whiners in the basket. I have a few more in my Etsy shop. They've been waiting to be adopted for so long they're starting to look meaner and meaner.
Next up an idea I had for an old tole tray my mom gave me. She served drinks on this back in the '50's. More good memories....
I turned it into a magnet board. I found the big magnet clips at Target for about $5. The paperclip can is magnetic too.
More red accents.....
A bit more....
He wouldn't be still. Notice red collar.
And more......
I decided to put Lucky Linda with her friend. Yes, more Sandy art.....
Last, but surely not least, is The Mullet Tossing Mermaid created by Sandy Mastroni.
I told Sandy I wanted to be buried with it....
HER ARMS MOVE! HER TAIL MOVES! I am so in love with this. Here's a closer picture...
I'd best write this in the will. "Bury with Ronnie!"
See you all next time. I hope your Summer is going well.
Love and all good things,
Ronnie aka Joe's stove operator
Pruning the Osage Orange Trees
With weather on our side here at my farm, my outdoor grounds crew is
crossing off lots of tasks from the list, including pruning the long row of
12 minutes ago