People have been known to throw themselves onto my kitchen island, lying there, waiting for hours for the doctor to come strolling in.
YES, it's all white, FROM the 90's when all white was IT!!! I'm such a slave to style. Even the coffee pot and toaster.
Good Bye old kitchen!
We had some good times together.
Check out that fabulous light fixture!
Pralines. Now I want to go back.
YES, I have a lot of junk! Zoom in on that hutch.
You'll be so proud of me. I've since cleared it out.
Results later. It's no longer white either! Wooooo Hooooo!
Okay, we're finally getting somewhere, but no base cabinets. Notice no sink. No water! That's Joe calling to see where the contractors are. Imagine that.
Whine time: It's disorienting waking up in the morning and finding there is no sink in your kitchen. How about no sink for nearly four weeks! That nice little pitcher, next to the microwave, here on the back porch, is now the sink.
Actually, we started to enjoy making breakfast outside each morning.
FYI: Those old white cabinets are now hanging in the basement. I'm helping to save the planet.
Okay! About two weeks later we have base cabinets and appliances. Still no sink, no water, no dishwasher. At this point the dishes are piling up in the backyard. I rinsed 'em off with the garden hose and called it good.
About now I'm wishing I was here....
But instead I'm here.....
Yeah, I saw a lot of this. I blurred the picture to protect the innocent.
We're creeping up on week four now and still waiting on countertops. Be aware all you kitchen renovators! It can be two weeks before your granite is cut. They won't measure until the base cabinets are installed. THEN the clock starts ticking. No countertops means NO sink and that means No water.
I'm wishing I was here....
A favorite watering hole. This is Seagle's Bar in St. Marys, Georgia. It's a great place if you're into that sort of thing. But I digress. I wonder why?
Meanwhile back at the Tucker kitchen renovation, we have totally lost our minds....
No water, furniture piled up, men with low hanging pants, and we go and get a new dog.
Good grief, Charlie Brown. Isn't he cute? Scared to death and for good reason.
How are ya'll doing out there?! Had enough yet?! Well it's not over yet. There's more...

Antibiotics were required and no brain damage was done to me or the tick. I am still in recovery, but there is still no kitchen sink.
The poor dog spends his days eating sticks and shredding every cardboard box we can throw at him.
I could eat nails if they had gravy.
No, this isn't gravy. The washing machine decided to blow a transmission. I decided to clean it up and pretend it didn't happen. About ten loads later, it's still going.
This honey of a plumber installed it in a flash, faucet and all. I want to hug him and dance the polka, but I'm afraid he'll leave before he installs the dishwasher. If you recognize this man, please don't tell him I took this picture.
We're nearing the finish line. Joe has decided to hang the light fixtures after realizing what electricians charge per hour.
Sons come to the rescue to hang the ceiling light...
Thanks, guys. <3
I'm hysterically happy now.
TA DA!!!!! Now all to do is fill holes and dents in the walls and install the vent over the stove.
Next up, PAINTERS!!! How about sky blue?
Have a happy Summer, you all.
Love and all good things,
Ronnie aka Joe's stove operator