My sis went to England this week. This has me reminiscing on a trip I took with my sisters to England this month two years ago. One of the first pictures I took. He looked so English that I couldn't resist.

We stayed here with a handsome Barrister and his family. A lovely three story townhouse. They treated us royally (no pun intended) and fed us in English gourmet style.

First day out we ended up here in front of the Dusty Fox Pub. We're holding each other up after a few too many stouts! Me on the left.

We chatted up a storm through the village with big sis, the photographer, trying for the perfect shot.

A walk through the countryside.

A house I'd dream of living in.

The Barrister sends us off with The Full Monty. The traditional English breakfast.

Next, we stayed here.
Fawsley Hall. There in the mist! What a gorgeous place.

Accommodations were astounding! We were jumping for joy when we walked in! Wow!
We positioned our chairs at the window overlooking the garden for our morning tea and decided we were pretty darn lucky!

We were so thrilled we decided to document the moment wearing our new hats. Yeah, that's Cary Grant. He spent the night with us too! Little sis in the good guy white hat, me in the elegant black. I positioned the camera at the foot of the bed and set the timer. The first two shots were of me flying through the air in a blur, the billowing comforter and then the quick SMILE! NOW!

After waaaay too much to eat and drink we took a walk in the morning. We found this fisherman by the pond wrestling an extraordinary fish! He was not interested
in the least by our attempts at conversation! Good Morning! Whatcha got there?!
Grumble grrrr...#@!*X&#... a pike. It's a PIKE!

Striking the goofy adventure pose in the cemetery.

Then there was the night at the lovely Carriage House Inn! Less than stellar! That phone is a fake and I swear the mattress was stuffed with cardboard boxes! I guarded myself from the slimy headboard with the extra pillow! But we had fun here talking stupid sister stuff and laughing 'til we conked out for the night.

On to London! Westminster Abbey!

Trafalger Square....

Buckingham Palace. We knocked. No answer! Italian girl wanted the gate all to herself.

On the train heading for home.
There were a pile of pictures, but
there are things to do here in McDonough, so I'll say goodbye for now to my thoughts of England. Have a good time in England, sis! Get well other sis!
Have a fab day, folks!
Ronnie-in a small town in Georgia USA