I painted another Big Biddy this weekend, celebrating my love of Chicks, Checks, Dots, Red and Yellow! You'll find it in my
Etsy shop.

Sand Hill Cranes! They're heading back up North. This could be a good sign for you all up there.
I was doing the morning dishes and heard Joe call, "They're BACK!!" And I could hear them. DRRRRRR Drrrrrrrr Brrr DRRRRR! Hundreds of them flew over the house!
HUndreds and hundreds of trilling cranes. Can you imagine it?! Click the pic for a closer look.
This event thrills me no end! I ran out and took several pictures, but this is the clearest. I am no
Shelagh Duffet! 
Thursday I headed into Atlanta,
Virginia Highlands to be specific. It's a small charming village surrounded by turn of the century houses. This is
Highland Woodworking where you can learn everything you want to know about wood.
40% off sale on canvases at Sam Flax, so I was on a mission along with lunch with sisters.

A Valentine display and my reflection.....

This caught my eye as I was about to cross the street.... Painted Windows!

And here's the guy that creates them. I had to talk to him. So, I did! Charming man with elegant long hands and a passion for what he does. He paints these in reverse!! A brain buster to me. Click the pic to see a closer look at these great paintings. Here's his website...
A Yummy gourmet food shop....
bella cucina
And heading out to eat with sisters. Sorry! I put the camera in the car at this point. We had sauteed veggies with Tofu and a luscious baby greens salad. Gawd this is a bunch of boring crap.
Are you there?! I didn't think so....Blahhh.
Oh, and that fabulous Giveaway!? Check here at
B's place!Love to you all,
Ronnie - aka JOe's stove operator living in a small town in Georgia