This year's New Year's Eve party was held at my 82 year old mother's house. She hung in there with us til we rang in 2009. This cardboard monstrosity is our GRUMPH. He is built each year usually out of the Christmas debris. As the evening progresses we stuff the Grumph with little notes which contain all the things we want to let go of and leave behind from the previous year. The guys then fill him with firecrackers and roman candles and other pirotechnics that were illegally purchased across state lines in either Florida or Alabama.

This is the result. The Grumph behaved very well this year. Last year Andrew stuffed him so full of fireworks that we were running and jumping to avoid being hit by shooting bottle rockets. I love this kind of crazy chaos. Such fun!

This is young women and children doing our ritual dance around the Grumph before we set him on fire. For some reason, unbeknownst to any of us we chant "Oh, we love the old one." as we form a parade from the house to the yard. One of the older women, that can still walk, usually heads the procession with the Grumph held high. Is this weird or what!?

This is my take on a Gone With The Wind Southern Georgian Toga. Yep, that's me as Scarlet O'Ben Hura with my faithful attendant "I don't birth no babies" Prissy. Two curtain panels and a rod from my son's room. You'd have to be a fan of the old Carol Burnett Show to get this.

and then there were frisky goings-on for the camera and the goddess and vertically challenged gladiator sword fight that was instigated by the goddesses. That's it folks just a snippet of our 2008 send off.