and what falls out

Custom Wrapped Canvas

Just Me

My photo
A small Coastal town called Saint Marys, Georgia, United States
Hi, my name is Ronnie. I am an American Contemporary Folk Artist. I conjure up images, then paint them on canvas. This makes me happy. Nice to meet you.

Inspiration from Brilliant Minds

Inspiration from Brilliant Minds
Painting is an attempt to come to terms with life. There are as many solutions as there are human beings. - George Tooker

Thursday, January 15, 2009


Click this link. No WAIT! If you've never been here before, scroll down to a picture of a girl with a pie. Then come back up here and click this link. It will make your day or make you go Eeoouwwh.

Then you can read about pj hornberger down bElow...
V (these are arrows)

For the very clever PJ Hornberger!!

You had me hopping trying to find a pic of the old typewriter on top of the 1950's TV next to the rabbit ears. Well, here it is finally. This is the dining room at our little house in Saint Marys. Look waaaaay over there and there it is!
When I'm there next month I'll take another pic to compare with yours. Why are we doing this you may ask? Because we can!!!
Visit PJ's blog here to see her typewriter. Her January 13 post.
Do you have an old typewriter you'd like to share with us, fellow blogger? Well, then, do it!
Ronnie who now has a fairly clean house