I was tagged this week by a bright new talent. She is a sharp little artist living in Australia with a studly husband and TWO real cute kidlettes.
She has a great new blog sharing her life in Australia,
Where it is now Summer!
I know! Booooo! Hisssssss!
(This is for all us in North America and Europe!)
To see Kaili's brilliant paintings, stop by her spanking new Etsy shop also called Billyandbutton!
As for the TAG, it requires that I show you the fourth photo in my fourth photo folder and pass it on to four other bloggers.
I dread what I'm going to find. I'll be back in a minute.
If it had been the FIFTH folder and the FIFTH picture it would have been the night I went out with George Clooney and we stopped on the way to Burger King to pick up Brad Pitt to discuss my part in the next Oceans 11 sequel and I said, "Nah, throw Julia a bone. She's been busy with the twins and I've got a lot on my plate with the blog and all and keeping Joe in Cheerios."
So, this is what you get. And these were the rules! : )
later gators,
This tag stops here. Enjoy.