Boy it was tough getting this done. A whole lot of life getting in between me and it!
If you remember my last post you'll see my original design. I made a teeny tiny sketch and then enlarged it on my scanner, added the lettering, and then transferred it to the canvas (18x24).
I slathered a good cover of Raw Umber allllll over it. Edges too.

Design has been transferred and all I've done here is fill in the spaces with flat color.

Filled in everything and added some detail on the blue lady and added a bit of lighter brown to the corner to experiment a bit.

Threw some clouds on the lady, a few bike spoke spin lines, and added more of the lighter gold/brown here and there and some star thingies.

A closer look. If you click on the pic, it'll put your eye out it's
so big! And I've painted
out the star thingies cause I didn't like 'em.
FINE! as they say at the end of a French movie, which has nothing at all to do with this painting, but it's my blog and I just felt like saying it. This picture is yellow and fuzzy, cause my light was crappy, but I'll take another all Bright and Clear tomorrow.
This painting is in
my Etsy shop, but if it just hangs out there it's headed to
Naked Art USA in Birmingham, Alabama the first week in August.
Love and all good stuff,
Ronnie - in a small town in Georgia
PS If you're a newbie, scroll down a couple of inches and you'll see my design before it jumped on the canvas.