and what falls out

Custom Wrapped Canvas

Just Me

My photo
A small Coastal town called Saint Marys, Georgia, United States
Hi, my name is Ronnie. I am an American Contemporary Folk Artist. I conjure up images, then paint them on canvas. This makes me happy. Nice to meet you.

Inspiration from Brilliant Minds

Inspiration from Brilliant Minds
Painting is an attempt to come to terms with life. There are as many solutions as there are human beings. - George Tooker

Thursday, June 25, 2009

12 Hours There and 12 Hours Back!

And we're off. At the crack of noon! The plan is to make it to Wright Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio, two hours south of the Mid Ohio race course.
THIS is for Liz Gunby of JumbleSaleRabbits blogspot in Scotland. She loves VW vans. Joe was speeding by and I was saying, "OH, oh! Where's the camera!" This is the portion I got. The back was equally perfect! Vanagon!
Arriving in Cincinnati and passing over the Ohio River, the border between Ohio and Kentucky.
Are we there yet? We made it to the airbase, had a good night's sleep, then headed to the racetrack the next morning. Andrew was already there with the VW TDI Cup race team.
This is JOe and Drew looking over track diagrams and having lunch in the fabulous huge VW tent which included catering and classroom for drivers and flats screens everywhere. They had waffles with VW on them for breakfast.
A Pirelli poster using Andrew in his car, #32! "Pirelli grips like no other."
Prerace! All the fresh faced and scrubbed TDI Cup drivers doing the celeb thing and signing autographs. That's Andrew signing for a fan.
Andrew (not him in this pic) was also here to work with APR motorsports. He crewed for them in between the VW stuff. He was dead on his feet by the time Sunday night rolled around. This is Erin in black with the little red apron. She makes sure APR drivers and crew are well fed and cared for. APR is known for it's hospitality. I think the drivers want to be on the team just for the food!

Joe took this of me and Andrew just before the race. I stole those pants off of a Revolutionary War soldier. What was I thinking! Blahhh.
Andrew suiting up. It's really buzzing in the VW tech tent. Camera crews for the documentary, race fans and family. Are you bored yet. Yeah, I know. This is an art blog, but I'll get to that.
The picture below is of Andrew careening back onto the track after bouncing off into the grass in this WICKED curve. A lot of drivers lost it on this curve, one smashing into the wall. CRAZY! I love this picture of the blonde lady. Look at her reaction.
The BIG picture after that is of Andrew's car making this same turn after rear ending a car in front of him. Imagine a lot of loud car noise here!
Alrighty then. Are you still here? Now we're back at APR where Erin and her assistant Hippy Mark have done their magic once again. Andrew has lost the VW race and has now switched his hat from TDI Cup to APR Motorsports.
These are two of the APR drivers, Mike Sweeney and Dion Von Molke suiting up for the the Koni Challenge race. Chow down boys, the race is coming up! Learn more about APR (Audi Porsche Racing) here
The race was near the end when I took this picture. The two APR cars are in first and second place! It was a wild race. Our friend Randy Pobst was right behind them racing for another team. This is torture for me to watch. Three laps from the end APR front runner, Ian Bass (the afore mentioned Erin's son) loses power on his car. Randy takes it to second place!
Woo hoo! I love racing. It's not over til it's over!
Here they are on the podium. APR guys in red and Randy (with his hand up) in black. All great guys.
This is the rowdy APR team after their win. They are truly a family. That's Andrew in blue. They couldn't peel the TDI cup driver suit off of him! He's having the time of his life.
Meanwhile, the race is over and we're on the road for home. This is where we stayed the first night.
JUST Kidding! That's a bomb shelter behind the Commanding Officer's house, Quarters One, at the Air Force Base. We stayed another night at this beautiful historic base. The Wright brothers made their first flight including a flight and "turn" here. Interested in more about this, including historic photos, follow this link:
On the road again. Rocky Tennessee here. About now you're wondering,"What about the longest yard sale, Ronnie?" Well, it was too far off the beaten track for this trip, but we did stop at the Kentucky Artisan Center in Berea, Kentucky. So, here's the ART PART! Finally....
Once they were gourds! This rooster was about 4 feet tall!
Extraordinary woodwork. $800 plus for the rocker. Click the pic for a close look at the old bearded men carved on the back. Beautiful work.
Felted hats and bags. This art center is located in a thriving artist community. I MUST return!
The whole downtown is art galleries and working studios and a college. Check out this link to learn more.... Beria, Kentucky
Beautiful wooden hats and bowls.
The end! An Amish couple returning from church on a Sunday morning. I'm glad to be home.
Have a great week, friends.
Love and all good things,

Friday, June 19, 2009


Joe will be honking the horn soon! We're headed to Lexington, Ohio for Andrew's 4th race. Also hope to catch parts of the longest yard sale! It stretches from Ohio to Alabama. See ya when we return. I'm taking the camera!
If you'd like to have your name or business stuck on Andrew's car, he still needs sponsorships for the remaining 6 races!
Later Gators,

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Bliss Bikes in Progress

Boy it was tough getting this done. A whole lot of life getting in between me and it!
If you remember my last post you'll see my original design. I made a teeny tiny sketch and then enlarged it on my scanner, added the lettering, and then transferred it to the canvas (18x24).
I slathered a good cover of Raw Umber allllll over it. Edges too.
Design has been transferred and all I've done here is fill in the spaces with flat color.
Filled in everything and added some detail on the blue lady and added a bit of lighter brown to the corner to experiment a bit.
Threw some clouds on the lady, a few bike spoke spin lines, and added more of the lighter gold/brown here and there and some star thingies.
A closer look. If you click on the pic, it'll put your eye out it's so big! And I've painted out the star thingies cause I didn't like 'em.
FINE! as they say at the end of a French movie, which has nothing at all to do with this painting, but it's my blog and I just felt like saying it. This picture is yellow and fuzzy, cause my light was crappy, but I'll take another all Bright and Clear tomorrow.
This painting is in my Etsy shop, but if it just hangs out there it's headed to Naked Art USA in Birmingham, Alabama the first week in August.
Love and all good stuff,
Ronnie - in a small town in Georgia
PS If you're a newbie, scroll down a couple of inches and you'll see my design before it jumped on the canvas.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Balancing Act!

Things are humming along better than expected. At least I got this new thing started!
I had planned to finish "Bliss Bikes" yesterday, but Joe drug me off for a long walk around the lake. I whined while putting on my shoes and whined while plopping my old floppy straw hat on my head, but once I got going realized I was in dire need of the exercise. Joe said if only I'd listened to him alllllll these years just think how different things would be. Yeah. Right.
LATER, I settled in the BB workshop and mixed the most BE-autiful blue, using these colors, for the lady in "bliss bikes".
I'll show you a progression (as usual) when it's all done. Should finish it up tonight.
ALSO, I'll be putting these little books I did in the Etsy shop when I get some good pics. Reminds me, I'll be taking mom to have a sonogram of her heart this afternoon, but everything should be fine. She's a tough little bird.
Other drama...the house did get a new roof last week. This is a shot of a very handsome (looked like Zorro) Mexican man who popped up to the second floor to find me sitting at the computer downloading photos while sipping tea and wearing my pajamas. I smiled at him, grabbed my camera, pointed, shot, but he DUCKED!
Here's the roof in progress. eight guys used pitchforks and snow shovels to get the old roof off. An awful racket from the inside! That's my workshop, the window on the top left behind the leaves. The new roof looks great! Next up, living room paint. I'll see you tomorrow with my finished painting.
Have a great day everybody,
Ronnie - aka JOe's stove operator

Monday, June 8, 2009

This IS an art blog!

With Joe's retirement came a whole new "to do" list:
Get the annual physical, apply for long term care insurance, do repairs on the house so we can put it on the market next Spring. So, I went for the physical and doc says, "Looks like your shoulder's still messed up. Time for a trip to the bone and joint man."
I haven't been able to lift my right arm above my head for way too long. I suspect it happened here at the farmhouse. The old windows had to come out and then...
I carried and heaved them in here. Then there was the painting and scraping...

Yep, that's me, on the ladder....
Here too, pulling up three layers of flooring to get to the wood. But alas, good news came today. After steroid shots and several weeks of physical therapy, I'm good to GO!
Yep, this is an art blog and it's back to the drawing board.
Joe has roofers scheduled next week and the living room to be repainted shortly after. I guess he'll be handling that. He's retired now!
YeeeeHaHHAHAHAHsnortHaHAAA! I'll keep you posted. It's a laugh a minute around here.
LOve you all,
Ronnie - struggling to stay an artist in a small town in Georgia